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Building Rapid Trust

Credit to The Cove and the Centre for Australian Army Leadership

The ability to build trust quickly is a skill leaders often need, but more often struggle to know how to achieve. In this Pod Cast, Dr Jemma King speak with the Centre for Australian Army Leadership about how to achieve rapid trust and explains her top 5 factors to increase inter-team effectiveness. There’s a lot that Dr King unpacks in this show so you may want to listen to it more than once.

Key take-aways

Dr King speaks about the need for leaders to demonstrate their ability and benevolence and to act in a consistent manner in order to rapidly gain trust and to sustain that trust over the long term. To aid in remembering these three critical components of trust she refers to these characteristics as the A-B-Cs of trust.

Dr King also explains that before followers will care about how much you know, they first want to know how much you care. Hence the sequence of the A-B-Cs is important and starts with benevolence, then ability and consistency.

The diagram below shows the relationship between a leader’s ability and benevolence or warmth.

Ability vs Trust
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