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Benefits Realisation

We’ve all heard it a million times, “Projects are how organizations effect change”. But are the changes truly aligned with the organisations strategic direction? Is the Business Case solid but focused on delivering the wrong outcomes? Ever heard the saying “the surgery was a great success, but the patient died”?

Maybe there’s a need to focus more on the benefits that the change is supposed to create rather than the outcomes of the project! Stephen Covey would suggest that we ‘start with the end in mind’ allowing us to work back to the start of the planning process so we plan the right project from the outset.

Benefits Realization Management is a multi-staged process for identifying benefits to determine whether projects, programs, and portfolios can produce the intended business result and then executing and sustaining the change.

The effective uses of Benefits Mapping and Benefits Realisation sets professional project organisations apart in the industry. Engagement with clients as early as possible during their strategic planning will help steer their decisions towards implementing the changes, and projects, that will ultimately deliver their vision. Wanna know more?

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